The World Needs a Father

Dear friends and prayer partners! Shalom Aleichem! I trust that God's grace and favour continue to be poured out in great measure upon you, your family and loved ones. I am praying for you!
Last Thursday, I received my visa from the French Consulate in Miami to travel to the French Caribbean island of Guadeloupe in October to do ministry with Miracle Temple Evangelical Baptist Church and other Baptist Churches there. As promised, they gave me a two year multiple entry visa instead of the single entry visa I had applied for. With this visa, I can also travel to the other French Caribbean islands over the next two years and do ministry as God opens the doors. What a God!!! To Him be the glory! Hallelujah! Thanks for your prayers on my behalf.
On Wednesday of this week, September 7, four of my sons from the Caribbean - Conroy Huggins, Zifus James, Jayson Downer and Alex Altidor - will travel to Bogota, Colombia to be trained in "The World Needs a Father" curriculum for training men and boys to be better men and better fathers according to God's heart and God's word. I will travel from Fort Lauderdale to Bogota as well. We will be trained as trainers so that we can use this curriculum in our ministries. I am excited about this as this is central to what we have been doing in RENEWED Ministries for many years. The greatest need in the Caribbean and in the African countries where I now minister is for fathers - godly and upright fathers in the homes and for spiritual fathers to fill the gap in the lives of our boys and girls and young people. The absence of fathers in the lives of children is in my view, the single most important factor contributing to a host of personal, behavioural, psycho-emotional, relational and spiritual problems of children and youth. The impact disproportionately affects our boys and young men in a negative way!Please pray that this training will expand and enhance what we have been doing for years as a ministry and have transformational effects on thousands, even millions, of men and boys so that they can be the persons God has designed and called them to be!
Pray also for safe travel for all of us who will be in Columbia - for Cassie Carstens and his team from South Africa and for those others from Latin America and the Caribbean who will be trained. Pray for the anointing and equipping of God's Spirit upon us all and that the impact on the lives of men and boys will multiply to others and will be sustained for years and years to come!
God willing, I return to Miami/Fort Lauderdale on Sunday, September 11, then travel home to Jamaica on Tuesday, September 13. I've been away for nearly seven months now and look forward to spending time with family and loved ones in Jamaica! I will also do my scheduled medical checks when I return home over the next few weeks. Please pray for God's continued touch, strength and healing of my body so that I can continue to fulfill the mission and vision He's called me to do around the world!